#1 Start Off With Quality Pieces

There are certain features that signify that a piece is made from quality materials. Look for copper-free options that are less likely to develop black spots. Thicker panes are also preferable for areas where the mirror is exposed to high use, such as on furniture pieces.

#2 Wipe Up Spills Right Away

Occasionally things might get on the glass. This is especially common with tabletops and other areas where food or beverages may sit. If a spill or spray happens, then try to clean it up as soon as possible. This prevents it from dripping down into the edges or hardening into a mass that requires scrubbing or scraping.

#3 Use a Soft Microfiber Cloth

Newspaper is still good to use when cleaning delicate surfaces. You can also use a microfiber cloth to prevent scratches during the cleaning process. Soft cloths should also be clean and lint-free for the shiniest results.

#4 Avoid Using Harsh Cleaning Solutions

Harsh cleaners can do more harm than good. Avoid using acidic or alkali cleaners. Ones made with ammonia can also be too harsh. In some cases, you can wipe up dust and prints without using any cleaner at all. A dry cloth, or one wet with warm water, can get up many types of marks. If a cleaner is needed, then go for something with an alcohol base or use diluted vinegar.

#5 Spray Cleaners Onto the Cloth

Spraying directly onto the cloth instead of the mirror allows for more control over where cleaners go. This also minimizes puddles that can lead to moisture damage.

#6 Dry the Mirror Edges Well

The edge of a mirror is particularly vulnerable to damage because this is where the backing and glass come together. There should be a tight seal at this point, but age and misuse can allow liquids to seep between the layers. Always dry carefully along the edges, and use extra care for customized edges with bevels or chips that generate more areas for moisture to build up.

#7 Keep the Room Well-Ventilated

Custom glass mirrors are often used in bathrooms and kitchens where moisture tends to accumulate. Make sure that you have ways to ventilate these areas. Opening a window or using a fan keeps the surface and edges dry.

#8 Prevent Direct Blows to the Glass

Ideally, glass decorations should be placed higher in rooms where young children play. They should also be set away from doors and other objects that could hit them and cause a break.

#9 Use Caution When Moving the Mirror

Breaks are more likely to happen during transport. When moving pieces, try asking for help. Wear gloves and seek professional assistance if you are moving them from one building to another.

#10 Set Up New Ones Right Away

The excitement of receiving a new mirror may have you eager to show it off. This is a good thing. Mirrors should be unwrapped and installed as soon as possible to further prevent damage from moisture.

We guarantee our work and materials, which lets you enjoy your new custom piece with no worries. Making sure to keep the glass clean, dry and protected from damage is simple and shows off the true beauty of the reflective surface.